Author: STA Office

Bond Vigilantes Front and Centre: August can be such a cruel month

Paraphrasing T. S. Eliot’s lines from The Wasteland: ‘April is the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain’. The poet believed the season gave false hope of what […]

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Technical Analysts Tackle Volatility: Economists Fiddle with Percentages

So far this summer markets have had a fairly torrid time, some stock indices setting new all-time highs in July, then peaking without warning and dropping by fairly large amounts over the last three or four weeks. Overlaid on this […]

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Living in a land of large numbers: How to get a grip

This year, as we are bombarded by politicians’ promises ahead of important elections worldwide, I hear ever larger monetary values bandied about. How they will fix what they hadn’t bothered to do when in post; improve ‘the ordinary person’s’ (a […]

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Debate with ACI UK, The Broker Club & The Commodities Trading Club: Forecasts for the second half – plus marks for first half

This semi-annual debate mixes technical and fundamental analysts who outline their views on major markets for the coming six months and, better still, review the predictions delivered at the beginning of this calendar year. Once again the event was very […]

Retail traders embrace volatility: Zero-day options and penny stocks on today’s menu

Early this month the London-based Financial Times newspaper brought to my attention two important trends happening in the main stock markets of India and the USA. There are many reasons being put forward for the surge in volume in specialist […]

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STA members and their guests get a dose of hypnotherapy

Ms Darbar has many talents. A trader since 2007, co-founder of Rfactory in 2017, a performance coach, certified hypnotherapist, plus two law degrees under her belt, to boot. Despite this she admits she’s ‘’spent an inordinate time on psychology’’. The […]

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‘And it’s a goal! Again’ Rectangles, corsets and straightjackets

I’m not a proper football fan, but as scores and rankings come part and parcel with all news these days, I noticed that matches seemed to be managing a lot more goals than they used to. My attention was drawn […]

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An old friend tells how the STA mapped out his career: From Personal Trainer to Trading Coach

Rajan Dhall MSTA, one of the three founding members of DND Capital (North and Dance the other two) gave a lovely presentation at an in-person monthly meeting for the STA Tuesday 14th May; well attended, with more than average young […]

Variations using Volatility: Virtual IFTA meeting with Alex Spiroglou CFTe, DipTA(ATAA)

Alex likes his titles and awards, as evidenced by the framed certificates on the bookshelf behind him. He is also a very professional speaker, describing himself as ‘a quasi-systematic, cross asset proprietary futures trader’, with especially nice slides prepared for […]

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Annual STA Fellows’ Lunch: Not a Board meeting, just for fun

There are four levels of STA membership: Associate for those with an interest in technical analysis but who have no formal qualifications; Full Member for those who have passed the STA Diploma course and can use the letters MSTA after […]

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Irritating expressions of today: Be aware, avoid and distrust

For some obscure reason the media this week has been focusing on just how old is ‘old’. Apart from the vacuous response: you’re as old as you feel, others have been more succinct. Like, when you reach 90, or anyone […]

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Karen Jones FSTA’s blog on her experience at our second ‘Technicals to Trading Systems’ Conference

What a stellar conference! It’s incredible how it managed to surpass last year’s event. With so many outstanding speakers and a wealth of information shared, condensing it into a blog will be quite the challenge, but here’s my attempt. Stephen […]

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Documentary based on Professor Richard Werner’s book: ‘Princes of the Yen’

An older City friend of mine recently encouraged me to watch this video; I only wish I’d seen the first part of it much earlier, as I had traded my way through most of the convolutions and revolutions he mentions […]

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David Linton Predicts Prices: A perfectly timed Monthly Presentation from the STA

Exactly a week before the STA’s Technicals to Trading Systems Conference, where David is one of a great line-up of speakers, and a fortnight ahead of Commodities Trading Week (where the STA heads up a panel discussion) we had the […]

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Moving back in time: While looking at life through a different prism

An obituary written by Martin Sandbu for the Weekend FT (30-31 March 2024) set me reminiscing – and wondering how things might have been. It took me back to autumn 1975 when I applied to study Social Psychology as an […]

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Staying Ahead of the Game! With Andrew Pancholi, Gann and long term cycles

Another excellent speaker who, like last month’s virtual presentation, was suggested by David Watts FSTA and the main technical analysis tool was Gann cycles. Starting with the 72-year cycle (1929-2001), Andrew warned us not to fall asleep – ahead of […]

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STA Podcast with Matthew Buxton MSTA: Ahead of the STA’s Technicals to Trading Systems Conference

Another in the series of STA podcasts conducted by Board Member Gerry Celaya, this time with Matthew Buxton, CEO and Head of Algorithmic Trading at London’s FTP Capital since November 2020. Matthew will be the final speaker of the one-day […]

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Quick video interview with Elizabeth Miller: A panellist at the STA’s April conference.

Arranged by STA Board Member Gerry Celaya, Elizabeth’s a perfect panellist for the second STA Technicals to Trading Systems Conference in London on the 16th April 2024 (also available virtually). The theme this year is: ‘From Classic Charting to AI […]

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D’mitri Richardson breezes in from Chicago: Propelled by the cycles of W D Gann

The topic of his talk was ‘Classic Gann’, a subject he is so passionate about that he set up Arcanum Market Research (where he is president) in order to develop the use and understanding of this unique approach to technical […]

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STA Podcast with Stephen Hoad: Ahead of the Technicals to Trading Systems Conference

Another in the series of STA podcasts conducted by Board Member Gerry Celaya, this time with Stephen Hoad, CEO of The Stop Hunter since 2015. Obviously conducted over telephonic/digital devices as Gerry lives in Aberdeenshire and Stephen in the delightfully […]

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