Author: STA Office

Tremendous turnout for equities in 2019: Despite Sino-US trade spat

I’m probably preaching to the converted, but: beware media headlines. Bad news is shocking, and shocking sells newspapers. Sensationalist wording gets eyeballs on social media. Slick and surprising video footage gets clicks; so it goes, and has always; therefore journalists are trained to write exciting copy. In fact, larger media outlets have teams whose sole job is to come up with catchy headlines.

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Charting the Markets on IG TV: With IG’s Senior Market Analyst Joshua Mahony

The TV and media team and IG are a slick lot with a busy production schedule. As well as producing text and video content, they coordinate news feeds for the platform and do their own analysis. From Monday to Friday there are 3 TV slots: at 07:30 London time (Pre-European open bulletin); 10:30 Charting the Markets; 16:00 Trading look ahead.

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This is not a blog; this is not even an M&S blog: It’s just seasonal greetings masquerading as a blog

I’m really looking forward to taking some time off over the Christmas and New Year’s Eve weeks. I’ve cut these out of my working diary for many years now, mainly because markets are dead – ergo technical analysis pointless – and it suits my employers/editors/powers that be. All well and good, but as a media luvvie I’m expected to file copy to cover these dates so I’ve been working double time this month.

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Thirty-third STA AGM: Gets into full swing

Starting a few minutes late, up at the front of the conference hall at One Moorgate Place, London EC2 R 6EA, was new STA Chairman Tom Hicks who had previous incumbent Axel Rudolph’s big shoes to fill. He was flanked by Committee members Clive Lambert and Richard Adcock, plus Claudia Shaffer taking the minutes. All-round organisational whiz Katie Abberton was there to check memberships, give out red voting cards to those entitled to do so, count the votes ‘for’ – and as usual, there were none against the motions.

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The gleaming glass of the South Bank, between Tower and London Bridges: A suitably modern venue for some crusty old fellows

These were not any old fellows, but STA Fellows, I’ll have you know. The second time I’ve been invited, having only been made one of the gang last summer at the City Hall 50th STA birthday bash, the event had been in the planning for months. The Society books the venue and provides bubbly and wine, Fellows foot the food bill.

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Price matters, but Process more so: A lecture by Andy Dodd MSTA of Louis Capital Markets

Introducing himself as an Essex boy who speaks very fast – which he does – and someone not used to giving professional lectures, he’s so engaging the talk went swimming along nicely. He started with a slide his compliance department insisted he must include; every salesman’s bane. Then followed a brief outline of his career since 1986, of which Instinet was the longest stint. It took him a little while to truly embrace technical analysis, he says, because he’d heard, ‘’every galleon at the bottom of the ocean has a chart room’’.

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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Special show on the Andrews pitchfork

Recorded and broadcast live on Friday the 8th November, just ahead of Remembrance Sunday 2019, STA Committee member Eddie Tofpik appropriately decided to do a special educational show on the Andrews pitchfork. Church on Sunday reminded me that Isaiah 2:4 says: ‘’and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation’’.

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‘The Man who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution’: A book review by Robin Wrigglesworth

On reading the Weekend FT last Saturday, I stumbled on a piece entitled ‘Algorithm for our times’ about a man I’d never heard of. It’s the American in the photo, taken in 2011, who looks like a grizzled and possibly grumpy old man (says this grumpy old bag). It’s no wonder I, and no doubt many others, are unfamiliar with his name and face as he shunned publicity. In a rare 2006 interview he says, quoting Orwell’s donkey in ‘Animal Farm’: ‘’God gave me a tail to keep off the flies. But I’d rather have had no tail and no flies’’.

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Momentum, Echo and Predictability: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange (1820-1930): Eye catching, as one doesn’t often see stock charts this old

One of the ‘advantages’ of being a journalist is the vast amounts of unsolicited email I receive. The other is that I spend a lot of time on social media and websites looking for information, finding what’s new, and what […]

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‘Market action discounts everything’ says Technical Analysis: But sometimes price charts lie

Before reading on, take a close and careful look at the chart that goes with this piece. I’ve deliberately not told you what the financial instrument is, nor what it’s priced in, or where it’s traded. It looks, for all […]

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‘Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room’ Presentation by Daniel Beunza (Cass Business School, SRC, LSE), 11/Oct/2019

Coinciding with his book launch – of the same title and published by Princeton University Press – I was invited, as a journalist for the Financial Times in London, to a presentation on the subject by the public relations firm […]

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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Lee Sandford MSTA speaks to host Jeremy Naylor

I must say, I don’t envy men these days; sartorial decisions are so very nuanced. IG TV host Jeremy Naylor this week invited Member of the Society of Technical Analysts’ Lee Sandford of onto their regular slot, looking at […]

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‘Logical Price Action: Utilising Wyckoffian Principles in Modern Times’: Lecture by William Reardon 8 October 2019 18:30 BST

Invited by STA Executive Committee member David Watts to give this talk (who’d heard about him through the forum for active traders), I introduced myself and apologised for knowing nothing about his subject. Unfazed, William told me he was […]

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Pitchforks at the ready! Just in case Brexit really gets going

I’m not talking French Revolution or anything like that – at least I hope not – but to tie in with this week’s IG TV interview with Eddie Tofpik MSTA, Senior Markets Analysts at ADMISI, where he makes extensive use […]

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Charting the Markets on IG TV: Victoria Scholar interviews Eddie Tofpik MSTA

Recorded yesterday, October 2nd 2019, and sent over to me today, I cannot believe Eddie described the chart of the Australian dollar versus the US as ‘’a very pretty chart’’ and that cable’s rally was a ‘’fly in the ointment’’. […]

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Dow and the Decennial Cycle: Article by David McMinn in Market Technician magazine

Like it or not, we are closing in on the end of September and the third quarter of 2019. Some are scurrying around the Federal Reserve Bank of New York desperate for cash to tidy up their books coinciding with […]

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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Nicole Elliot hits the airwaves as Brexit turmoil bits

IG TV host Jeremy Naylor this week invited Fellow of the Society of Technical Analysts, Nicole Elliott, onto IG’s regular slot looking at the week’s markets from a chartist’s perspective. Both agree that Brexit is dominating the headlines, Britain’s Supreme […]

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Grand Gala Dinner goes with a bang: A quick re-cap for those who couldn’t make it

For some time now, every year in early September the STA books the National Liberal Club for a formal sit-down 3-course dinner – because Liberal Party members are away for their annual conference – and we have the club pretty […]

The Role of Subjectivity in Technical Analysis: Read about last week’s STA talk with Tim Parker MSTA

Tim Parker MSTA is a veteran in the field of technical analysis and this was evident in his talk. Tim started the session by asking who in the room was optimistic about the state of the financial markets. Around 30% […]

Charting the Markets with IG TV: Client Adrian Rye on Elliott Wave Theory

IG TV host Jeremy Naylor this week invited in one of their clients, Adrian Rye, an independent technical analyst. Trained as a commercial financial analyst, he comes across well: honest, believable and clear. Better and better: his charts are superb. […]