Following on from a similar live Webinar in January this year, IFTA member technical analysis societies in South East Asia put on a great show on the 18th June 2022. Timed to try and incorporate viewers from many time zones, […]
Following on from a similar live Webinar in January this year, IFTA member technical analysis societies in South East Asia put on a great show on the 18th June 2022. Timed to try and incorporate viewers from many time zones, […]
When I holiday abroad my favourite time has been Easter and the October school half-term. Now that my daughter is grown up, I’m a lot more flexible but prefer dates around the equinox as I find the weather in most […]
In the 1960s my family lived in Rio de Janeiro which had sudden power cuts all too often; my sister and I regularly did our homework and then had dinner by candlelight. Homes, rich and in the poor favelas, had […]
I read a lot – and widely. In part out of sheer curiosity, sometimes to delve into a new subject and then again to find interesting information I might use in articles and social media. Today I present one of […]
For an experienced market technician who prefers to stick with the trend, Mr Kaufman’s timing was impeccable. ‘’Today [10th May 2022] I bailed out of everything’’. This was because, as per his trading rules, when annualised volatility rises above 32% […]
The media, the world and his mother are well aware that all sorts of consumer prices have been rising sharply since Q3 2021; now it’s the turn for central banks to sit up and smell the roses – and pretend […]
The International Federation of Technical Analysts, of which the UK’s Society of Technical Analysts (STA) is one of 20 members, has for many years hosted annual conferences; the next one will be from the 7th to 9th October in […]
A regular at STA monthly meetings, it was a delight to see Rajan Dhall again at this first in-person STA monthly meeting of 2022 at One Moorgate Place. Looking dapper, confident and slick in head-to-toe black, his presentation was as […]
Walking up Threadneedle Street from the Bank of England at lunchtime on April Fool’s Day – and a New Moon to boot – I should have expected a flurry of snow. Reconvening for a post-pandemic annual lunch, Fellows of the […]
Thursday 23rd March 2022 Alessio gave an excellent webinar for the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) entitled ‘Crypto Markets and the Wyckoff Method: A Top-Down Approach’. He’s a teaching instructor @WyckoffAnalysis whose website is Not being exactly au-fait […]
The teenage girlfriend two-timed you; your friends will tell you soon enough. Your lover ghosted you; it could take a while to get to grips with what’s going on. You were blackballed by your club or cancelled by your gang; […]
No, I’m not being patronising, especially on International Women’s Day; in fact, I think Elizabeth Miller could have been included in Forbes’ top 100 women in finance. The STA was delighted to welcome this total pro who, as one would […]
Every now and then a really good virtual presentation comes your way – except the STA and IFTA ones which are, of course, always good and worth making an appointment to view. An invitation to a weekday half hour slot […]
Call me old-fashioned, but I rather like it when people tell me they work with charts – rather than that they are a technical analyst. This month’s webinar from the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) was delivered succinctly by […]
One of the many excellent international speakers the STA has invited to our webinar-based monthly meetings, now billed as ‘Ask the Expert Series’, with Tom we get to hear things straight from the horse’s mouth. Editor of The McClellan Market […]
US equity indices kicked off 2022 with an anxiety-driven down draft – not downward dog. This week they faced a two-day Federal Reserve meeting, one which had been threatening ‘gradual’ interest rate rises; Wednesday evening financial markets were told that […]
A live on-line presentation (Monday 17th January 2022) from five regional analysts, it was cleverly timed to start ay 17:00 local time, 09:00 GMT – both very convenient choices – but not so lucky for those on the US East […]
What should have been an in-person meeting for our usual January panel discussion on the outlook for financial markets had, unfortunately, to be held via video-link. Opening the proceedings on Tuesday the 11th January 2022 was Eddie Tofpik MSTA, newly […]
Most day traders and small-time punters will groan when asked to look at a chart where each candlestick (or bar) encompasses a whole year’s worth of price action. But you see, understanding the big picture parameters are key to long […]
Yesterday, Tuesday the 14th December, the STA was due to have a live, in-person AGM and Christmas party with drinks and canapés at One Moorgate. Unlike those at 10 Downing Street in December last year, we didn’t break any rules, […]
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