STA Monthly Meeting – April 2016

STA Monthly Meeting – March 2016

STA Monthly Meeting – February 2016

STA Monthly Meeting – January 2016

The traditional panel session looking foward to the year ahead.

STA AGM & Christmas Party – December 2015

This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the British Bankers Association in London on Tuesday the 8th of December 2015. It will be followed by a monthly talk and the STA Christmas Party (members only).

The guest speaker will be Russell Napier, an independent strategist at, and co-founder of, ERIC, an online platform for the sale of high-quality individually priced investment research.

STA Monthly Meeting – November 2015

STA Monthly Meeting – October 2015

Point and Figure is just as important today as it was 150 years ago. Jeremy will discuss how it has evolved over the years without losing any of it’s unique character and how it fits into 21st Century analysis.

STA Monthly Meeting – September 2015

STA Monthly Meeting & Summer Party – July 2015

STA Monthly Meeting – June 2015

STA Monthly Meeting – May 2015

STA Monthly Meeting – April 2015

STA Monthly Meeting – March 2015

STA Monthly Meeting – February 2015

STA Monthly Meeting – January 2015

STA Monthly Meeting & Christmas Party – December 2014

The Christmas party will be members only and will require registration.

STA Monthly Meeting – November 2014

STA Monthly Meeting – October 2014

STA Monthly Meeting – September 2014

STA Diploma Presentation and Summer Party – July 2014

This year’s STA Summer Party was kindly hosted by Bloomberg at their offices in 39-45 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1PQ.

The event started Awards Ceremony for the latest cohort of MSTAs, Distinction-Winners

followed by a well received Dow Trading game.