STA Monthly Meeting – March 2012

Tuesday 13th March 2012
Socionomic Perspective

What can the stock market tell you about society’s mood swings? A socionomic perspective on social mood and social events.

Matt Lampert’s talk will illustrate how the emergence of many contemporary social developments – from the Arab Spring to the political and economic tensions in the European Union to the Occupy Wall Street movement – can be understood through the paradigm of socionomics. Along the way, Matt will introduce the Elliott wave model of financial market price fluctuation, distinguish it from orthodox models of financial market behaviour, discuss what the stock market’s trajectory can tell us about the likely trajectory of the character of social events, and describe new technologies and research methods that are enhancing our understanding of how social mood motivates social actions from the trading floor to the dance floor to the floors of houses of parliament.

Matt Lampert, Research Fellow, Socionomics Inst

Matt Lampert is a Research Fellow of the Socionomics Institute and a doctoral candidate in the sociology department at the University of Cambridge. His research applies socionomic theory to the actions of financial and political institutions and seeks to understand financial markets from a socionomic perspective.

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