STA Blog

What do examiners look for in the Part 2 paper?

In general, at this advanced level examiners look not only for knowledge but also for the application of that knowledge – for reasoning, for conclusions, and for advice to investors when required.

The answer to SECTION 1 (Question 1) should show a high standard in chart analysis and a written report (as if for a client) based on that analysis. There is some flexibility here: candidates wishing to avoid writing large amounts of text may consider using summary bullet points within the written report. They may also express some of their opinions on the actual charts, alongside their other chart annotations.

Chart annotations combined with a written report meeting all requirements of the question can earn up to 50 points. Up to another 10 points can be gained for a clear and professional structure to the report.*

For the SECTION 2 and SECTION 3 answers candidates can gain up to half their marks by demonstrating knowledge. An ability to reason and apply/interpret is needed to achieve higher marks, however.

*To pass the exam, a minimum mark of 35/60 for the compulsory Question 1 is required as well as 60/100 for the paper overall.

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