About The STA

You Join The STA To Be Better

The predecessor of the STA, the Association of Chart and Technical Analysts (ACTA) was founded in 1968, making the U.K.’s professional body for technical analysts the oldest of its kind in the world.

The Society of Technical Analysts (STA) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion and understanding of technical analysis and its role within behavioural finance as a vital investment tool. It aims to serve all members of the investment community, from the investment industry professional to interested members of the public.

The STA runs a comprehensive education programme, holds monthly lectures (also available via delayed video links on the STA website), publishes a bi-annual e-journal and offers its members access to a weekly blog, IFTA webinars as well as an extensive library housed at the Barbican Library. All STA educational courses and examinations are accredited by the CISI (the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment) and IFTA (the International Federation of Technical Analysts).

History of the STA

The predecessor of the Society of Technical Analysts (STA), the Association of Chart and Technical Analysts (ACTA) was founded in 1968, making the U.K.’s professional body for technical analysts the oldest of its kind in the world.

The founders were Teddy Clarke, of Chart Analysis, Richard Lake, a stockbroker, and Alec Ellinger, of Investment Research. They started using technical analysis in 1945 and so were real pioneers.

ACTA held monthly meetings followed by informal networking in a nearby pub. ACTA also produced and circulated a journal with latest thinking and discovery in the technical analysis field. The library, established and run by a committee member, would lend books to members on request. The STA continues to provide the same member benefits and a whole lot more!!

STA Committees

The STA Committees provide direction and focus for the Society and the wider profession. Below is a list of the committee and members. Committee members are actively involved in the work of the STA and get to know some of the leaders in the technical analysis field. It’s a fantastic personal and professional development opportunity. To find out more about becoming a committee member contact:  info@technicalanalysts.com.

STA Committee Members Description

Ethics & Procedures, Corporate Governance & Compliance

David Watts
Vince Harvey

Ensures that the STA adheres to the highest ethical standards in all of its activities. It reviews our procedures and publications and consults with the STA Board on an ongoing basis.

Data Quality

David Watts

Highlights the importance of trustworthy financial market data to technical analysts/market participants to exchanges and has successfully lobbied data vendors, exchanges and other bodies to ensure that their data is of the highest quality.

Irish Chapter

Alan Dunne

Promotes the STA at a regional level for members who cannot make the London meetings.

Speaker Programme

Jeff Boccaccio
Mark Tennyson d’Eyncourt

Organises the Speaker Programme for the monthly meetings.


David Watts

Finds and purchases books and material on technical analysis, charting, market behaviour and related topics for the STA collections at the Barbican Library  in London.

IFTA Liaison

Eddie Tofpik
David Watts

Liaises with the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA).


Gerry Celaya

Works on increasing the STA membership by promoting the merits of STA membership to professional and private investors.


Richard Adcock
Gerry Celaya
Nicole Elliott (Editor)
Alice James (Sub-Editor)
Katie Abberton

Produced the STA Market Technician is the Journal of the STA that features articles by expert members and guest writers on technical analysis and charting methods as well as book and software reviews.

STA Website

David Watts

Publishes the STA website to promote, educate and inform the public and members about the STA. Updates the “members only” section of the website with relevant information for STA members such as job postings, meeting notes and contact groups.


Gerry Celaya
Karen Jones
Nicole Elliott
Vandita Chisholm
Katie Abberton

Markets the STA to the professional investment community and to retail investors as the professional technical analysis body in the UK. Promotes the use of technical analysis at every investment decision level and works with other bodies and groups to promote the STA’s educational courses, monthly meetings and advantages of membership.

Software Group

David Watts

Reviews new and existing technical analysis and charting software for the STA and presents its findings regularly to members through the STA Market Technician Journal and at occasional monthly meetings.


Karen Jones
Simon Warren

Assesses, reviews and protects the STA’s financial wellbeing now and in the future. Short-term responsibilities include ensuring adequate cash flow for ongoing educational courses and training events, and long-term responsibilities include helping to ensure that proposed projects are likely to be financially beneficial to STA members.


Axel Rudolph
Luise Kliem (Chief Examiner)

Runs the STA’s educational courses that prepare Associate Members for the STA Diploma examinations. Works with higher institutes of learning such as Queen Mary University of London and King’s College to teach technical analysis at their locations.

Third Party/Liaison Institutions

Jeff Boccaccio
Karen Jones
Trevor Neil

Responsible for building links and working with other financial institutions.

Investment Committee

Jeff Boccaccio
Keval Dhokia
Adam Sorab
Charlie Morris
Simon Warren

Manage funds which the Board will call upon in the future to ensure that the STA remains recognised worldwide as one of the largest and most widely respected not-for-profit Technical Analysis organisations. The Investment Committee is therefore tasked by the Board to invest the STA’s funds in a prudent manner in order to generate above inflation long-term returns in order to safeguard member funds for future investment into the STA long-term objectives.


The Ethics Committee exists for two main reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the Society remains compliant with the general regulations pertaining to all activity in the financial markets. Since we are not involved in actually handling/investing money for others, to an extent, such regulatory law does not apply to the STA. However, the Ethics Committee monitors activities that may be affected by such laws, and excludes any such activities if necessary.

The second function of the Ethics Committee is to ensure each STA member completes an annual “Ethics Declaration” and investigates cases where a member is in violation of their declaration or have had issues with their regulators. In certain cases, it may be appropriate for The Ethics Committee to recommend a membership be revoked and their MSTA title removed.


The STA is affiliated with The International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA), which is the global organisation of technical analysis societies and associations. IFTA is an international non-profit professional organisation with member societies in more than 26 countries.

The STA’s qualifications are recognised by IFTA. IFTA provides a worldwide Professional Technical Analysts certification, called CFTe I and CFTe II as well as the Master of Financial Technical Analysis (MFTA).

The STA’s Diploma (Levels 1 and 2) certification is identical to IFTA’s CFTe II.

International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA)

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Monthly Meetings

The STA holds 11 monthly meetings in the City of London, including a summer and Christmas party where canapés and refreshments are served.


Latest Videos

As a service to our members, many of whom are unable to attend all our monthly meetings, we have been making videos of meeting presentations for several years.


STA Libraries

The STA has an extensive library of classic technical analysis texts. There are over 1000 books in the collection. It is held at the Barbican Library with a smaller...


Market Technician

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