Masaaki Yamada
Masaaki Yamada is Financial Engineer, Market Policy & Planning Department, Tokai Tokyo Securities. After working as a scientific researcher at KEK, the National Laboratory of High Energy Physics, that promotes basic science using a device called an accelerator, Masaaki began his business career in the financial industry as a quantitative analyst in 1987 to apply his engineering expertise in financial markets. Since then, he has been leading the industry in quantitative modeling and financial engineering for over a quarter century.
His current duties include financial engineering, the development of equity derivative trading systems, and market risk analysis of structured bonds at Tokai Tokyo Securities, a leading Japanese securities company. Masaaki has authored a large number of academic and practical articles on quantitative analysis of financial markets. He is currently a Board Member of SAETA, the Society of Applied Economic Time Series Analysis, that is the academic society of the scholars and the practitioners to research the mathematical models of economic time series. Masaaki received his master degree in mathematics from the Niigata University.