STA Monthly Meeting – March 2011

Tuesday 8th March 2011
Technical analysis using Trend - Target - Timing

Management Joint Trust (MJT) offers an “All in one” online technical analysis solution based on a 3T methodology (Trend – Target – Timing). It uses a combination of two standard deviation envelopes to define the trend, periods of stress within this trend and calculate impulsive and corrective targets. The analysis is completed with two series of proprietary timing oscillators to anticipate future and confirm current high and low risk areas.

Jean-François Owczarczak, Edouard’s son and Director at MJT, will explain the main principles behind the methodology and review current markets using the online tool.

Edouard Owczarczak, Management Joint Trust SA

Edouard founded Management Joint Trust SA in 1969 in Geneva, Switzerland, and introduced in the early 1970’s the concept of an “All in one methodology” for technical analysis (Trend – Target – Timing).

Jean-Francois Owczarczak, Management Joint Trust SA

Jean-François graduated from the University of St Gallen in 1997 with a Masters degree in Banking and Finance. He joined Management Joint Trust SA in 2003, having previously spent five years working in investment banking in London.

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