STA Monthly Meeting – May 2014
In the talk Steve Griffiths outlined his unique “Isolation Approach” to Elliott wave analysis and showed how this resolves the problems and shortfalls of more traditional forms of Elliott wave analysis. Combined with Risk Control and Position Sizing this strategy can be applied to any liquid market, including Stocks, Forex and Futures. Steve also touched on his favourite trade that he has nicknamed the “Holy Grail” because it allows the trader to take advantage of the strongest and longest of all the Elliott Wave swings, the Wave (3).
Steve Griffiths has been involved in the markets since 1987 as a Private Trader as well as a Software Developer. In 2001 he launched his MTPredictor software program that utilizes his unique “Isolation approach” to Elliott wave analysis. Thirteen years on and MTPredictor is now used by thousands of Traders and Fund Managers worldwide.