“Harvey” Stewart

Thomas Harvey Stewart, aka “Harvey”, was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge and after graduation remained in this city, joining Alec Ellinger’s growing and much respected investment management and consultancy business where he soon became a partner. Harvey developed the Commodities, and later Futures, side of the business and for many years wrote the regular weekly “London Commodity Charts”, a publication which gained a transatlantic audience and was, at one stage, flown by Concorde every Friday night. He co-wrote with Alec “A Post-War History of the Stock Market“, describing and reasoning the fluctuating fortunes of the post-1945 equity and gilt markets. A charming and extremely sociable man, Harvey was much admired by those who met him. He died in 2002.

A Post-War History of the Stock Market Investment Research, 2nd revised edition January 15, 1973

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