Stuart Frost
Stuart started his career with National Westminster Bank in New York, as a foreign exchange dealer and gravitated to head of chart analysis for Nat West Markets in the 1990’s back in London.
David Fuller FSTA
David Fuller is a global strategist and Chairman of Fuller Treacy Money He joined the STA in 1970 and is also a Fellow of the Society.
Valérie Gastaldy
Valérie Gastaldy graduated from ESSEC in 1985 to join immediately France’s largest broker at the time, Meeschaert-Rousselle, where she launched the first OTC index option in 1986, before being a market-maker on MONEP and then a prop ‘trader. Technical analysis appeared more adequate than fundamentals to answer her needs for short-term risk management.
Aurélia Gerber
Aurélia Gerber, director at the Bank J. Safra Sarasin develops and manages quantitative multi-asset investments strategies. With 17 years in Institutional Asset Management she has extensive experience in the construction and the management of products in fixed income, money market, equity, balanced, alternative and emerging markets. She is skilled in technical and fundamental investment analysis.
Nick Glydon
Nick Glydon has worked as a technical analyst since 1986, most recently at Credit Lyonnais, Flemings and JP Morgan. In 2003 he co-founded Redburn Partners, now Europe’s biggest independent equity broker.
Sunil Goel
Sunil runs a niche research and brokerage firm, Continuous Change Charts, servicing a few selected institutions providing technical advisory services. He brings over 12 years’ experience in analysing, researching, developing and applying simple but effective equity trading strategies. His technical […]
Steven Goldstein
Steven Goldstein is a Performance Coach and Consultant working with traders and participants in the financial markets. He is the founder of BGT Edge Ltd and coaches traders and managers at a growing number of investment banks and hedge funds in the UK and Europe. In addition to that Steven provides technical analysis on a number of currency pairs for 3CAnalysis.
Peter Goodburn MSTA
Peter is the founding partner of WaveTrack International and has published Elliott Wave analysis for all of the four asset classes for over 20 years. He is the author of the monthly institutional EW-Navigator and the biweekly shorter-term EW-Compass reports.
Shreyas Gopal
Shreyas leads UK macro strategy at Deutsche Bank in London and is a senior G10 FX strategist in the Bank’s FIC division. He publishes widely on a variety of macro and FX-related topics including currency valuations, macro trading strategies, and […]
Christopher Grafton
Christopher Grafton is currently Head of Technical Analysis at Advanced Research Japan. Prior to joining Advanced Research Japan, Chris was Director, Principal Analyst and Systems Developer at Vectisma Ltd, an independent market analysis firm focusing on Japanese equities with a global macro overlay, based in England.
Daniel Gramza BSc Eng MBA
Daniel Gramza is President of Gramza Capital Management, Inc. He is a trader, consultant, advisor to hedge funds, developer of equity and derivative securities, and co-inventor of two issued security patents. Daniel is quoted in media worldwide. He has authored […]
Philip Gray FSTA
Philip Gray has over 30 years’ international experience in all aspects of investment banking, especially investment management and stock broking. He has also been a director of various companies listed on the UK, Zurich, Frankfurt and Johannesburg stock exchanges, and is currently a director of an ASX listed industrial company.
Robin Griffiths FSTA
Robin Griffiths is one of the world’s most experienced and highly regarded market analysts. Together with Rashpal Sohan, Robin is joint managing editor of Dynamic Investment Trends Alert, published by Southbank Investment Research.
Steve Griffiths
Steve Griffiths has been involved in the markets since 1987 as a Private Trader as well as a Software Developer. In 2001 he launched his MTPredictor software program that utilizes his unique “Isolation approach” to Elliott wave analysis. Thirteen years on and MTPredictor is now used by thousands of Traders and Fund Managers worldwide.
Robert Grigg
Robert is a full time trader, trading systems developer and systems consultant. He is a director and investment manager at Crystal Blue (Aust) Pty Ltd where he manages family based funds.