
Saeed Amen

Co Founder, Turnleaf Analytics

Saeed Amen is the co-founder of Turnleaf Analytics Turnleaf Analytics generates forecasts for inflation using machine learning and alternative data, which is used by some of the top financial firms. Over the past twenty years, Saeed Amen has developed systematic trading strategies at major investment banks including Lehman Brothers and Nomura. He is also the author of Trading Thalesians: What the ancient world can teach us about trading today (Palgrave Macmillan) and is the coauthor of The Book of Alternative Data (Wiley). He has developed many Python libraries including finmarketpy and tcapy for transaction cost analysis. Clients have included major quant funds and data companies such as Bloomberg. He has presented his work at many conferences and institutions which include the ECB, IMF, Bank of England and Federal Reserve Board. He is also a visiting lecturer at Queen Mary University of London and a co-founder of the Thalesians and the founder of Cuemacro.

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