The STA Blog - General - Page 3
Extreme rectangles: Far more interesting than existing trends
Years ago a very pushy journalist from India’s Hindustan Times badgered me for the opportunity to look around our London dealing room and quiz me about my views on financial markets. Eventually, against my better judgement, I caved in to […]
Tags: measured targets, momentum, Rectangles
‘Trading an adapted Gann Theory in the 21st Century’: Yesterday’s (8th June 2021) polished presentation for the STA
Delivered via webinar, the technology ‘du jour’ of the 2020s, Dr Alexander Aburumieh was confident, presentable and speaking very elegant English from Vienna. His biography is brief: trained as a physician at Vienna’s Medical School, he left the profession in […]
Tags: Gann angles, stock indices, time & price
The new delights of working from home (WFH): Nuisance calls, phishing and fraud
I’ve rearranged some of my living arrangements so that I have a decent space to work in – luckily unhindered by kids or extended family – upgraded my internet access to BT’s latest 5C offering (the mobile phone is not […]
‘How to Plan for an Emergency’: A webinar, part of Financial Literacy Month
I’ve been using Reuters news and terminal products since 1982; I still do. The company has now rebranded itself as Refinitiv – Financial Solutions-Advanced Tech, Data, Expertise. Owned by the London Stock Exchange Group since 2018 when Thomson Reuters sold […]
Tags: emergency, investments, planning, Savings
‘Long Term Forecasting using Interdisciplinary Price Analysis (IPA)’: A presentation by Tom Bundgaard of Kairos Commodities
My heart sort of sank when it was announced that his system involved technical analysis, fundamental analysis and macroeconomics; not only that, these were then integrated in three dimensions. Things looked up when Jeff Boccaccio MSTA introduced him, and Tom […]
Tags: commodities, confirmation, cycles, Dewey, Elliott Wave, MACD, RSI
How deep is your knowledge of charts? Why a wide range of reading material helps
I’ve always enjoyed reading and, more importantly, widely. Never confining myself to one genre of literature, or tunnelling into my specialist subject, I’ve roamed far and wide, especially when it comes to current media. Daily and evening newspapers, free weekly […]
Tags: graphs, Mathematics, puzzle
How to present yourself: In the Working From Home world
Let’s face it, those who can WFH are among the luckier ones in the current – and ongoing for too long – pandemic. The set-up may suit some, and not others, depending on the domestic situation and physical space; but it has made us all re-think priorities and re-write our wish-list.
Up-to-date connectivity and technology (which one is confident using) are key, so much so that some politicians are suggesting these should be made basic citizens’ rights, much like clean water and efficient sewage. Personally I would also suggest that a decent desk and good chair to work at, hopefully with enough space, light and quiet, are too.
Tags: background, conference, lighting, Video
‘That Was the Year that Was’ And a happy New Year to all STA members and followers
An album of satirical songs recorded live by Tim Lehrer in 1965, and originally written for NBC’s TV series ‘That Was the Week that Was’, somehow it sums up the year of the pandemic. But that’s not what I’m thinking […]
Tags: candles, long term view, percentages
IFTA 33rd Annual Conference: Held over 24 hours on the 24th October 2020 with 24 expert speakers
This year’s International Federation of Technical Analysts annual conference was due to take place in Philadelphia, hosted by AAPTA. With travel restrictions and limits on the number of participants at meetings due to the Covid-19 virus, it couldn’t go ahead. […]
Colours, clashes and clichés: How and why use colourful charts
Plowden & Smith are an expert art and antiques conservation business in south London who I follow on LinkedIn. Tackling projects great and small, their level of expertise and willingness to share some of it is refreshing. Very recently they published a video piece on colour theory where Hugo Nathan, of art advisory firm Beaumont Nathan, picks a series of works on the subject for a fantasy exhibition he is curating.
What’s all this got to do with technical analysis, you ask. Because colour, and colour combinations, really do matter. How long have many new home owners spent agonising over dabs of paint and swatches of fabric. Yet rarely do we put as much time and thought into our chart’s colours. Too often we just stick with the default setting.
Tags: confidence, Hard Data, Opinion Surveys, Survey Data
Tom DeMark sees the S&P hitting 3,486 before the rally ends
Click here to read ZeroHedge's article about iconic technican, Tom deMark.
Do you really understand technical analysis? Do you know someone who wants to learn?
Sometimes in today’s ‘’instant knowledge at the touch of a smartphone’’ world, it’s very easy to become overconfident. Or assume that everyone, and anyone, could know what they need with a quick Google search.
Tags: Books, Career, Teaching, Technical Analysis Courses
Working from home: And warned I might have to lock myself in for months
For a fortnight now I’ve been working from home. In fact, for almost 6 years I’ve been working partially from home and partially at a large office building in the City of London. The set-ups are, needless to say, very different and will not suit everyone. Today’s reality, however, means that many of those who can are being asked to self-quarantine and take their laptops with them.
This is not a blog; this is not even an M&S blog: It’s just seasonal greetings masquerading as a blog
I’m really looking forward to taking some time off over the Christmas and New Year’s Eve weeks. I’ve cut these out of my working diary for many years now, mainly because markets are dead – ergo technical analysis pointless – and it suits my employers/editors/powers that be. All well and good, but as a media luvvie I’m expected to file copy to cover these dates so I’ve been working double time this month.
Tags: greetings, New Year, seasons, year-end
German corporates penalised by the ECB: Banks impose negative interest rates on cash balances
For a nation which prides itself on prudence, saving and balancing the government budget, they are furious at the ECB’s never-ending ‘quantative easing’ and now a minus 50 basis point key ‘lending’ rate. Data published by the Bundesbank, and a very interesting article in the Financial Times, this week show that of the 220 lenders surveyed at the end of last month (September 2019) 58 per cent of banks were levying negative interest rates on some corporate deposits, and 23 per cent doing the same for retail deposits.
Tags: bonds, Negative Yields, Zero
Charting the Markets with IG TV: Nicole Elliot hits the airwaves as Brexit turmoil bits
IG TV host Jeremy Naylor this week invited Fellow of the Society of Technical Analysts, Nicole Elliott, onto IG’s regular slot looking at the week’s markets from a chartist’s perspective. Both agree that Brexit is dominating the headlines, Britain’s Supreme […]
The Role of Subjectivity in Technical Analysis: Read about last week’s STA talk with Tim Parker MSTA
Tim Parker MSTA is a veteran in the field of technical analysis and this was evident in his talk. Tim started the session by asking who in the room was optimistic about the state of the financial markets. Around 30% […]
Charting the Markets with IG TV: Client Adrian Rye on Elliott Wave Theory
IG TV host Jeremy Naylor this week invited in one of their clients, Adrian Rye, an independent technical analyst. Trained as a commercial financial analyst, he comes across well: honest, believable and clear. Better and better: his charts are superb. […]
Central bankers and their currencies: Too reliant on received wisdom
While teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg is only half-way across the North Atlantic Ocean in her seriously carbon-neutral sailing yacht, central bankers from all over the world flew in yesterday – many in private jets – to Jackson Hole, Wyoming’s […]
Charting the Markets with IG TV: Chris Beauchamp on markets post Trump postponement
Recorded on the morning of 14th August 2019, the day after President Trump decided to postpone new trade tariffs on Chinese goods until the 15th of December – just in time for Americans to buy their Christmas presents – Chris […]
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- The Power of Patience: How Waiting for the Right Setups Can Make or Break Your Trading Success February 3, 2025
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