The STA Blog - STA news - Page 22
The Technical Analyst Awards 2015
The Technical Analyst Awards ceremony was held last Thursday night for the seventh year running at Le Meriden Piccadilly. Several well known people from the industry were there, including Axel Rudolph, chairman of the STA, Deborah Owen, head of education, […]
Thinking in ratios – Untangling price moves
Media wants attention and like any spoilt child, the beast will do anything to get it. So business headlines scream at us with emotive words like ‘slump’, ‘soar’, ‘crisis’ and ‘opportunity’. It’s difficult not to get swept up in it […]
Julien Camberlin – a famous Belgian – Speaks to STA members on the 14th April
Famous Belgians are as rare as hen’s teeth, so we are being a little facetious here. His excellent, well-timed talk, with clear slides, on a challenging subject, this Namur resident Julien Camberlin (MFTA, CFTe and CEWA Level 1) was ‘worth […]
Tags: Chaos Theory, Elliot Wave, Fibonacci, Fractals, Ratios
Designing Great Visualizations – Tableau® software
Sometimes, only rarely, does one come across something that is, as the kids would say, ‘awesome’. Being a visual sort of person, which I think most technical analysts must be, I recently came across this site and it reminded me […]
The STA take on the JPMorgan Corporate Challenge
Roll up! Sign up! Don’t be frightened by all the big blokes. This really is a fun run which raises money for Cancer Research UK. For the first time ever the STA has entered a team, one of hundreds of […]
Three-D printing – Been there, done that
You will have probably heard of the great new technological leap forward that is the ability to print in three dimensions. Not only will we eventually be able to make body part replacements, but I have been warned that the […]
Tags: election, Foreign exchange, FX, heat maps, UK, volatility
Trending over the very long term – Secular trends and ruminations
Trading the wholesale markets for the last 35 years, I have been thinking about the changes I have seen.
Most obvious of course is technology, the advent of computing power revolutionising the way we technical analysts work, the quantity of data we can deal with, and the choices we have available to us. Not forgetting search engines so that we can quickly double-check details we have forgotten and theories we are a bit flaky on. I find Wikipedia and invaluable when unsure of which parameter is the default for a particular analysis – and so on.
Too many moving averages? And many moving parts
A long, long, time ago, I can still remember – when moving averages were plain and simple. Nothing weighted or exponential, dynamic or otherwise (nowadays considered moribund perhaps). Traders used to use 10 and 20 day moving average crossovers to generate buy and sell signals; fund managers, who had time on their side, opted for 50 and 200 day ones, again only crossovers.
Tags: crossover, exponential, Foreign exchange, FX, moving average, trending
An old-fashioned line chart For today’s volatility
Only economists use line charts. We technical analysts have developed far more sophisticated methods, first bar charts, then bar charts with opening and closing levels which morphed into candlesticks, not forgetting those with no time scale along the bottom like Point & Figure, Renko, and the Japanese Three Line Break.
Tags: bar chart, candles, FX, line chart, options, volatility
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