The STA Blog - Technical Analysis Courses - Page 5
IFTA South East Asia Webinar Collaboration: ‘Second Semester from Cycle Perspective’
Following on from a similar live Webinar in January this year, IFTA member technical analysis societies in South East Asia put on a great show on the 18th June 2022. Timed to try and incorporate viewers from many time zones, […]
June is party time in London: The STA gets in on the act
When I holiday abroad my favourite time has been Easter and the October school half-term. Now that my daughter is grown up, I’m a lot more flexible but prefer dates around the equinox as I find the weather in most […]
Tags: fun, members, networking, Reunion
Candles at night time: But wait and see what they look like first thing in the morning
In the 1960s my family lived in Rio de Janeiro which had sudden power cuts all too often; my sister and I regularly did our homework and then had dinner by candlelight. Homes, rich and in the poor favelas, had […]
Tags: candles, patience, time
‘Replication crisis’: Why academic research struggles in the real world
I read a lot – and widely. In part out of sheer curiosity, sometimes to delve into a new subject and then again to find interesting information I might use in articles and social media. Today I present one of […]
Tags: correlation, probability, Research papers
‘Talking about Risk’ – ‘’one of those topics nobody wants to talk about.’’ A webinar by Perry J. Kaufman for STA members
For an experienced market technician who prefers to stick with the trend, Mr Kaufman’s timing was impeccable. ‘’Today [10th May 2022] I bailed out of everything’’. This was because, as per his trading rules, when annualised volatility rises above 32% […]
Tags: Algorithm, ETF, risk, systems, volatility
Central Banks ahoy! How will markets react?
The media, the world and his mother are well aware that all sorts of consumer prices have been rising sharply since Q3 2021; now it’s the turn for central banks to sit up and smell the roses – and pretend […]
Tags: Daily, hourly and 5-minute charts, Ichimoku, MACD, Stochastics
IFTA ramping up their webinars: organised by Bruce Fraser
The International Federation of Technical Analysts, of which the UK’s Society of Technical Analysts (STA) is one of 20 members, has for many years hosted annual conferences; the next one will be from the 7th to 9th October in […]
Tags: closing prices, corrections, Elliott Wave, impulse waves, time
Trading College’s Head Teacher talks: Tells STA members what it’s really like
A regular at STA monthly meetings, it was a delight to see Rajan Dhall again at this first in-person STA monthly meeting of 2022 at One Moorgate Place. Looking dapper, confident and slick in head-to-toe black, his presentation was as […]
Tags: MACD, moving averages, optimisation, Psychology, systems
‘For he’s a jolly good Fellow: And so say all of us’
Walking up Threadneedle Street from the Bank of England at lunchtime on April Fool’s Day – and a New Moon to boot – I should have expected a flurry of snow. Reconvening for a post-pandemic annual lunch, Fellows of the […]
Tags: Annual Events, Old Friends, STA Fellows
Can you handle rejection? And do you even know when it’s happened?
The teenage girlfriend two-timed you; your friends will tell you soon enough. Your lover ghosted you; it could take a while to get to grips with what’s going on. You were blackballed by your club or cancelled by your gang; […]
Tags: Candlesticks, reversal, spike high, trend change, volume
Sweet as a sweetie! STA monthly meeting with webinar presentation by Elizabeth Miller
No, I’m not being patronising, especially on International Women’s Day; in fact, I think Elizabeth Miller could have been included in Forbes’ top 100 women in finance. The STA was delighted to welcome this total pro who, as one would […]
Tags: commodities, ethanol, hedging, Sugar
‘A Chartists View of the Markets 2022’: Webinar by Greg Schnell for IFTA
Call me old-fashioned, but I rather like it when people tell me they work with charts – rather than that they are a technical analyst. This month’s webinar from the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) was delivered succinctly by […]
Tags: context, momentum, NASDAQ, S&P500
Tour de force from a veteran with pedigree: Tom McClellan on Market Breadth
One of the many excellent international speakers the STA has invited to our webinar-based monthly meetings, now billed as ‘Ask the Expert Series’, with Tom we get to hear things straight from the horse’s mouth. Editor of The McClellan Market […]
Tags: advance decline, Breadth, liquidity, oscillators
Jittery January markets face the Fed and US Q4 GDP: Against a background of high inflation and a record trade deficit
US equity indices kicked off 2022 with an anxiety-driven down draft – not downward dog. This week they faced a two-day Federal Reserve meeting, one which had been threatening ‘gradual’ interest rate rises; Wednesday evening financial markets were told that […]
Tags: data, January, nerves, volatility
IFTA blows in with a fresh blast from South East Asia: New Year panel debate from the region
A live on-line presentation (Monday 17th January 2022) from five regional analysts, it was cleverly timed to start ay 17:00 local time, 09:00 GMT – both very convenient choices – but not so lucky for those on the US East […]
Tags: Asia, Astronomical, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore
Time to tot up the year: One of the few weeks that warrants watching annual charts
Most day traders and small-time punters will groan when asked to look at a chart where each candlestick (or bar) encompasses a whole year’s worth of price action. But you see, understanding the big picture parameters are key to long […]
Tags: confirmation, Confluence, Fractals, time horizon
Don’t get bogged down watching the same old markets: Broaden your horizons and add to your knowledge
A famous quote I love is this one from Eleanor Roosevelt: ‘I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.’ A firm […]
Tags: Education, Indices, volatility
Barrage of data ahead of US Thanksgiving: With Thursday’s holiday and Black Friday to come
As part of our series looking at how financial markets prepare and react to economic data, I’ve picked today – Wednesday the 24th November 2021 – because lots of US data meets a long weekend. This can often lead to […]
Tags: Complacency, nerves, surprise, the Federal Reserve, unprepared
‘Ten Key Asset Allocation Questions into Spring 2022’: An IFTA webinar by Jean-Francois Owczarczak CFTe
I felt I had to dash and write up an excellent webinar presentation this afternoon courtesy of IFTA, introduced by Bruce Fraser and co-hosted by Ron William. Jean-Francois is CEO of Management Joint Trust SA, 1 Rue de Hesse, 1204 […]
Tags: asset allocation, envelopes, oscillators, Standard Deviation
A fireside chat – and some charts: With John Bollinger, hosted by Jeff Boccaccio
I had high hopes for this latest in the STA’s International Speaker virtual tour; the session was clear, lively, and better than I had thought possible. STA members are urged to view and review it as soon as the video […]
Tags: Bollinger band, Standard Deviation, volatility
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- Mastering Relative Strength Portfolios: Key Takeaways from the March STA Meeting March 12, 2025
- Stay Disciplined, Stay Profitable February 26, 2025
- Understanding Price Gaps in Trending February 19, 2025
- Key Takeaways from a Fireside Chat with Perry Kaufman February 12, 2025
- The Power of Patience: How Waiting for the Right Setups Can Make or Break Your Trading Success February 3, 2025
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