The STA Blog - Technical Analysis - Page 15
Mainstream and technical analysis Writing for the layman
This @STA_ORG blogger wears several hats, all of which have the #technicalanalysis moniker. I write for a tip top professional audience, Society of Technical Analyst members and some of their friends, in a weekly where I scour for articles, trends, […]
Tags: media; mainstream; articles; diffulty
January’s review and outlook: STA Board get grilled
For some years now the STA’s January meeting takes the format of a panel of experts outlining their views for different markets over the coming year. This week it was a team with a twist, thought up by Head of […]
Tags: 2017, 2018, Annual overview, panel
One hundred most interesting charts of 2017: According to Goldman Sachs
Straight from the vampire squid’s mouth, I kid you not. For a firm that traditionally has eschewed technical analysis, this piece is quite an eye opener, both in terms of the quantity and range of charts used and the interesting […]
Tags: Disruption, Thematic Dots, Themes
Taking a long-term view: with help from a picture
As technical analysts we well know that a picture is worth goodness only knows how many words. Charts are just one type of picture though; we have photos, video, fine art and cartoons – a list that to which I’m […]
Tags: cycles, history, Info Graphics, Trends
Fun and games after the AGM: Food and drinks for sustenance
Yesterday, Tuesday the 12th December 2017, the STA held its 31st annual general meeting. Some members of the board were lined up in a row at the front of the conference room, desks their only defence against members facing them, […]
Tags: AGM, Home Study Course, Party
Europe viewed from across the pond: Video from European Financial Forecast
An arm of Elliott Wave International, this video of the editor of European Financial Forecast looks at EU stock indices noticing the 10-year gaps between their highs. This reminded me of the 10-year gap between the Nikkei 225’s peak in […]
Tags: Complancency, Euphoria, Sentiments, tops
Market fragility: Are equity markets due a reaction?
This week a familiar face at STA monthly meetings, Ron William, sent me a piece he had co-authored with Robin Griffiths FSTA. I’m sure they’ll be at our Christmas party on Tuesday 12th December so, if you have any questions […]
Tags: cycles, Elliott Wave, Gann
Filtering out noise: To see the wood for the trees
Free newspaper City AM is my morning tube-ride read of choice. Topical, relevant, and mercifully concise I can usually get through it by my destination. On the 31st October, they ran an interesting article called: ‘Why cutting through noise is […]
Tags: focus, noise, oscillators
Are you MiFID fit? Second time round, yes (hopefully)
New rules as to how investment research is distributed and gets paid for come into force on the 3rd of January 2018. They’re called MiFID II because this is the second version of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. Dreamt […]
Tags: MiFID II, Poll, Regulation, Research
Taking the long view: At the Bank of England
The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, as Britain’s Central Bank is fondly known, was founded in 1694 but only moved to its current premises in 1734. Public subscription had raised £1.2 million and it was open for business as the […]
Tags: Bond Reversals, Financial History, Risk-Free Rate, VaR Shock, Yields
Thinking Man’s Trader Report
Context is the critical element in your search for opportunities, not a price and direction forecast. Enthusiasm, what Greenspan called back in the 90’s “irrational exuberance” is the hallmark to a late stage of a Great Bull market, like it […]
HypnoTrading: A practical guide by Catherine Stott
Some months ago I was invited to speak at an investors’ conference in Mayfair. Several familiar faces were there but I was interested in listening to a new one, so I arrived extra-early to hear her talk. It was not […]
Tags: challenges, Hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, psychotherapy
So long and thanks Milan: See you next year in Kuala Lumpur
Yesterday, the 15th October 2017, the 30th IFTA annual conference wrapped up in Milan and, based on posts and comments in social media, delegates and speakers judged it a success. In case you didn’t get to go, here is a […]
Tags: Annual Conference, IFTA, Kuala Lumpur, Milan
Head the one about Inverse Logic Spectral Analysis? And just in time for Halloween
Tuesday the 10th October 2017 the STA invited Dr Dmytro Bondar to speak at its members’ monthly meeting. His topic: detecting market cycles using ILSA – the spectral analysis of the title. His logic was sound and his mathematics rigorous, […]
Tags: Cable, Fournier transform, Movin g averages, Two thirds
Raoul Pal interview: On Felder’s Superinvestors
This is the shortened link to the interview with Raoul Pal on Jesse Felder’s series of Superinvestors and the Art of Worldly Wisdom. It’s a podcast recorded about two months ago and rated highly by Charles Newsome, deputy chairman of […]
Tags: charts, Global Macro, Mind-set, Narrative
When the Liberals away, the STA can play: Annual Dinner a great success
As usual the STA Annual Dinner was timed to coincide with the Liberal Party’s annual conference, this year in sunny Bournemouth – as billed on their web site. This means that we had the whole of their gorgeous club pretty […]
Tags: dinner, networking, Speeches
Market Technician Issue 83 – September 2017
I don’t know about you but my email use is fairly chaotic. Not only do I have two Gmail accounts – I could of course have more but I struggle as it is – but as well as my mobile […]
Tags: email, Market Technician, membership
Beta Group makes a Vix pop: Trevor tells all
A familiar face at STA monthly meetings, on Tuesday 12th September (the first chance members had to catch up after the summer holiday) it was Trevor Neil’s turn to stand at the podium. Bravely admitting to 40 years’ experience trading […]
Tags: Automated Trading, Bollinger Bands, Vix, volatility
New market: Fresh charts to work with
Considering how long I’ve been working in financial services, you’d think that one way or another I will have, at some point, covered most internationally traded commodities, stocks, bonds and derivatives. Yet every now and then something or someone alerts […]
Tags: Acid, China, commodities, Methanol
Myanmar on the radar: Market Analysts Society
Michael Peel, writing in the Financial Times this month, certainly got my taste buds going, telling us about the growing foodie movement spreading through this long isolated country following the end of military rule in 2011. A firm breakfast favourite […]
Tags: Burma, Myanmar, STA Chapters, Yangon
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- Mastering Relative Strength Portfolios: Key Takeaways from the March STA Meeting March 12, 2025
- Stay Disciplined, Stay Profitable February 26, 2025
- Understanding Price Gaps in Trending February 19, 2025
- Key Takeaways from a Fireside Chat with Perry Kaufman February 12, 2025
- The Power of Patience: How Waiting for the Right Setups Can Make or Break Your Trading Success February 3, 2025
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