STA Blog

Chaikin chalks it up: Speaks about his oscillator

One of the few economists that I follow, with his own web site, sent me this yesterday.  Sorry it’s so last-minute (dot com) but I just thought it might be worth a look.  I’ve been using Marc’s oscillator for a good decade (plus) and if this is your sort of thing, try it out.

Don’t miss our exclusive presentation with Marc Chaikin
Tomorrow (Wednesday), August 10
4:15 PM ET
For active investors and market professionals

How to improve Your Trading and Investing by Combining Fundamentals with Technicals

Tomorrow, I’ll join Marc Chaikin as he introduces his Chaikin Analytics suite of tools to Mauldin Economics. This is a system the Mauldin Economics analysts and I have been using for the past eight months. We’ve put this system to the test and are now so impressed, we’ve integrated the entire system into our vetting and evaluation process.

If you would benefit from:

• Quick screens and filters for identifying potential investments
• Options Play integration with recommended options strategies
• ETF rankings
• Simple, one-page representation of all the data points that matter…

Then you should take a look at Chaikin Analytics.

Join us TOMORROW for a full presentation of this powerful, highly predictive stock vetting software. Click here to register now!

Now, they’re probably going to want to charge you for viewing, so instead why not go to the ever reliable StockCharts and see for yourself.

More importantly, it’s so nice to see interdisciplinary cooperation and respect.  We technical analysts are becoming well versed in working in the areas of economics, finance, banking and investment.


Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trending
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