STA Blog

Myanmar on the radar: Market Analysts Society

Michael Peel, writing in the Financial Times this month, certainly got my taste buds going, telling us about the growing foodie movement spreading through this long isolated country following the end of military rule in 2011.  A firm breakfast favourite is mohinga fish and noodle soup, a rich fishy broth sprinkled with coriander, crispy fritters and other condiments.  He also says they have some great piquant salads, and one that should travel well is based on tea leaves!

Canadian cookery writer Naomi Duguid says the food in Myanmar is ‘more accessible in some ways than some of the Thai dishes’.  She hopes for the day we can say, ‘’let’s go out for some Burmese food’’ and has written Burma: Rivers of Flavor to whet our appetite.  Because the country is a regional hub between India, China and Thailand ingredients and styles vary widely.

The STA and its executive committee got there well before Mr Peel.  In January this year the Myanmar Market Analysts Society became a chapter of the STA, joining Ireland and Scotland in this category.  The driving force behind the 24 MMAS members is Mr Aung Thein Tun (Chartered MCSI, MSTA, CFTe); the team is photographed outside the Yangon stock exchange building.  With CISI accreditation the aim is for the MMAS to become an IFTA developing society.

The Myanmar Restaurant Association today has 540 members yet it had only 25 five years ago.  Let’s hope the explosive growth in both these new groups in this exciting nation thrive.  They certainly deserve to after decades of repression and internal troubles.  I personally would be very interested in visiting the country as I’m told its beautiful – as well as tasty.


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