STA Blog

STA links to other organisations: Alpha R Cubed Ltd and AlphaMind

Steven Goldstein is associated with both, as managing director of the former and as joint host with Mark Randall in the latter. The gents go back a while, as do I, and have a wealth of experience in trading markets. In fact I’ve just learned that Mark and I were both there on the opening day of the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE).

I met Steve when I worked briefly in the Canary Wharf dealing room of Credit Suisse. He sat very close to the technical analysis team, headed up then by the sadly deceased Fran Skelley (sister to Katie Abberton). Current STA Treasurer Karen Jones was on the team, while David Sneddon FSTA has managed to hang on in there still.

Therefore I’m not surprised that the STA has invited Steve to collaborate with us. The aim of Alpha R Cubed is to work ‘on improving the vital human behavioural aspects of financial market performance.’ Meanwhile the AlphaMind podcasts ‘seek to help people develop, cultivate and grow optimal mindsets for better performance and more effective and productive behaviour when engaged in risk taking activities’.

The podcasts, billed as: ‘fascinating conversations with people from the world of financial markets’, certainly have a cast of interesting speakers who have the time to outline in detail their thoughts over an hour or so. The ex-head of FX trading at Goldman Sachs, rogue trader Nick Leeson, Anthony Crudele and Jim Simons are among their many guests.
November’s STA monthly meeting’s guest speaker will be legendary Jack D. Schwager where the tables will be turned, and instead of Schwager interviewing top traders, Steve Goldstein will be interviewing him. Sounds like fun!

Below I attach links to the relevant websites:

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