The STA Blog - Tag: cycles
Seasonality, Cyclicals and Statistics: Probability rules!
Tuesday 12th November was the eagerly awaited STA monthly meeting with Dimitry Speck, creator and founder of Seasonax, presenting his ideas and software system. Unfortunately the poor man got Covid but had, at very short notice, managed to rope in […]
Tags: cycles, data, probability, seasons
Staying Ahead of the Game! With Andrew Pancholi, Gann and long term cycles
Another excellent speaker who, like last month’s virtual presentation, was suggested by David Watts FSTA and the main technical analysis tool was Gann cycles. Starting with the 72-year cycle (1929-2001), Andrew warned us not to fall asleep – ahead of […]
Tags: cycles, Gann, vibration
D’mitri Richardson breezes in from Chicago: Propelled by the cycles of W D Gann
The topic of his talk was ‘Classic Gann’, a subject he is so passionate about that he set up Arcanum Market Research (where he is president) in order to develop the use and understanding of this unique approach to technical […]
Tags: cycles, forumlae, indicators, W D Gann
Keep their quant tactics incognito
Off to One Moorgate Place, London, on the 10th October 2023 and an unusually balmy evening, for an in-person monthly meeting of the STA. The presentation by Thiru Nagappan was billed as: ‘Quantative Strategy Construction with 3 Critical Stats’. Opaque […]
Tags: cycles, drawdown, jargon, Principles, Swing Trading
‘Elliott Wave Outlook on Global Equity Markets’: The GPS of the markets works on fractals
A virtual STA monthly meeting 12th September 2023 saw a presentation by Ashish Kyal who describes himself as: ‘Trader, Mentor and Founder of’. Based in Mumbai, it was nice to see that his many Indian followers had signed up […]
Tags: cycles, Elliott, Fibonacci, Waves
Seasonality permeates many aspects of life: Financial markets are no exception
One of the many advantages of being a member of the Society of Technical Analysts (STA) is that, because we’re affiliated with the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA), we can join their online presentations. I was advised by email […]
Tags: cycles, ETF, probability, Seasonality
‘How to Benefit from Seasonality in Difficult Markets’: An IFTA webinar on Monday the 1st August
The International Federation of Technical Analysts is getting good at streaming interesting talks at times that suit their member societies – all over the world; no mean feat! Introduced as usual by IFTA’s web and workshop supremo Bruce Frasier, he […]
Tags: cycles, IFTA, patterns, Seasonality
IFTA South East Asia Webinar Collaboration: ‘Second Semester from Cycle Perspective’
Following on from a similar live Webinar in January this year, IFTA member technical analysis societies in South East Asia put on a great show on the 18th June 2022. Timed to try and incorporate viewers from many time zones, […]
‘The Case for 2021 Harnessing Super Long Term Cycles to Gain a Competitive Advantage’: A presentation by Andrew Pancholi for IFTA
The evening of Tuesday the 29th June 2021 will go down in the annals of English history. Not only were the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Wembley, but eldest son George was dressed as a mini-me of his Dad, […]
Tags: Andrews Pitchfork, cycles, gold, Market timing
‘Long Term Forecasting using Interdisciplinary Price Analysis (IPA)’: A presentation by Tom Bundgaard of Kairos Commodities
My heart sort of sank when it was announced that his system involved technical analysis, fundamental analysis and macroeconomics; not only that, these were then integrated in three dimensions. Things looked up when Jeff Boccaccio MSTA introduced him, and Tom […]
Tags: commodities, confirmation, cycles, Dewey, Elliott Wave, MACD, RSI
‘Critical Cycles’: What you need to know and how to take advantage
The rather dry title of this month’s STA webinar presented by Andrew Pancholi who promised us a ‘’40 minute whistle-stop tour of 30 years of work’’. He lived up to his threat and I urge all and sundry to watch this fascinating presentation – regardless if one’s interested in technical analysis, cycles, or financial history.
Tags: cycles, history, timing
Robin Griffiths, who has pedigree, overviews the last 50 years: Because the STA also has 50 years under its belt
Well, we’ll have to give it to him, he’s done 53 years as a professional technical analyst/strategist, despite a BA in economics from Nottingham University. His first City job was at stockbrokers Phillips and Drew – one of the many names I remember from long ago – which produced, in Robin’s opinion, some of ‘’probably the best fundamental analysis in London.’’ Well, I bet that’s not what you expected! Exempted from 9 of the 13 actuarial exams required, he tidied up the situation ASAP.
Tags: Asset classes, cycles, demographics
Dow and the Decennial Cycle: Article by David McMinn in Market Technician magazine
Like it or not, we are closing in on the end of September and the third quarter of 2019. Some are scurrying around the Federal Reserve Bank of New York desperate for cash to tidy up their books coinciding with […]
Tags: annual, cycles, decade, Quarterly, year-end
Suns, stars and all things lunar: Looking up into the sky
Wednesday January 31st saw a rare super blood moon – turning a fabulous red colour in some parts of the world as the earth passes directly in front of it. The moon also appeared to be bigger and brighter than […]
Taking a long-term view: with help from a picture
As technical analysts we well know that a picture is worth goodness only knows how many words. Charts are just one type of picture though; we have photos, video, fine art and cartoons – a list that to which I’m […]
Tags: cycles, history, Info Graphics, Trends
Market fragility: Are equity markets due a reaction?
This week a familiar face at STA monthly meetings, Ron William, sent me a piece he had co-authored with Robin Griffiths FSTA. I’m sure they’ll be at our Christmas party on Tuesday 12th December so, if you have any questions […]
Tags: cycles, Elliott Wave, Gann
Cycles in Trading: Emperical Mode Decomposition
Yesterday Dr Rolf Wetzer flew in via Germany from his base in Basel to talk about his work with the Dax index. Past president of IFTA and editor of its journal, member of the Swiss Association of Market Technicians, he […]
Tags: cycles, non-linear, not stationary, oscillator
An act of faith: and an Australian soul
Yesterday’s speaker at the STA’s monthly meeting was a breath of fresh air – flying in from the outback via the Jesuits who helped him hone his fantastic memory for numbers (he says). A handy skill as Stephen M Barrett […]
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