The STA Blog - Tag: Economic data

Market reaction to UK September Consumer Price Inflation

Released Wednesday 20th October 2021 at 07:00 BST For months, nay years, inflation has not been a talking point of the chattering classes; now suddenly it is. From retail prices growing negligibly – or even negatively – for the best […]

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Market reaction to EU July Industrial Production

Released Wednesday 15th September 09:00 GMT Covid-19 caused the biggest global economic slump In at least a generation, if not a century. It’s no wonder that all too many – economists, politicians and the general public – are searching for […]

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Market reaction to US July Consumer Price Inflation:

Released Wednesday 11th August 12:30 GMT With inflation being the financial markets’ biggest worry since February, and acres of print being given over to discussions as to whether central banks are correct in labelling it ‘transitory’, no wonder this data […]

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Market reaction to US June non-farm payroll data: Released Friday 2nd July 12:30 GMT

For some years now US employment data, released on the first Friday of the month, has been the most closely watched – and speculated on – economic release; this wasn’t always the case. I remember when it was Thursday’s weekly […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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