The STA Blog - Tag: energy

Premiere of Energy Trading Week’s videos: Shared with speakers and attendees of their event in September

Yesterday, the 24th October 2022, the brains behind Energy Trading Week held a Zoom premiere to accompany the release of videos of the talks they hosted to hundreds, live at County Hall, London in September. Moderated by Marie Féjoz, Content […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Energy Trading Week: In conjunction with

Timed to perfection – as even mainstream news cottoned on to the effect soaring wholesale energy prices would have on retail and business customers – the hybrid conference (part via video link and part in person) kicked off at Chelsea […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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The Buddhist Trader Feng Shuis her work space

Last week we looked at how to organise, spruce up, or Spring clean one’s office.  Now I’ve come across a piece written by an acquaintance of mine which involves doing Feng Shui on your trading desk.  She suggests: ‘Create harmony […]

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Channelling the energy: Into parallel tracks

One of the nice things with networking at the STA’s monthly meetings is catching up with old friends and being reminded how we use different features of technical analysis.  Glyn Bradney MSTA many years ago gave a lecture at this […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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The Fibonacci Numerical Sequence and Golden Ratio

An introduction to the Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci (circa 1170-1250), will be dispensed with as the man is less relevant to this article than what he documented in his 13th century book Liber Abaci: namely his discovery of the Hindu number sequence […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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