The STA Blog - Tag: MACD

Variations using Volatility: Virtual IFTA meeting with Alex Spiroglou CFTe, DipTA(ATAA)

Alex likes his titles and awards, as evidenced by the framed certificates on the bookshelf behind him. He is also a very professional speaker, describing himself as ‘a quasi-systematic, cross asset proprietary futures trader’, with especially nice slides prepared for […]

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Posted in Education, Finance, General, Markets, STA charts, STA education, STA news, Technical Analysis
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Central Banks ahoy! How will markets react?

The media, the world and his mother are well aware that all sorts of consumer prices have been rising sharply since Q3 2021; now it’s the turn for central banks to sit up and smell the roses – and pretend […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Trading College’s Head Teacher talks: Tells STA members what it’s really like

A regular at STA monthly meetings, it was a delight to see Rajan Dhall again at this first in-person STA monthly meeting of 2022 at One Moorgate Place. Looking dapper, confident and slick in head-to-toe black, his presentation was as […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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‘Long Term Forecasting using Interdisciplinary Price Analysis (IPA)’: A presentation by Tom Bundgaard of Kairos Commodities

My heart sort of sank when it was announced that his system involved technical analysis, fundamental analysis and macroeconomics; not only that, these were then integrated in three dimensions. Things looked up when Jeff Boccaccio MSTA introduced him, and Tom […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Charting the Markets with IG: TV Guest Patricia Elbaz spills the beans

A little social media bird let me in on a surprise. For her interview on IG TV, hosted by Victoria Scholar, veteran technical analyst Patricia Elbaz arrived with a congratulatory card and cake. This is because Victoria had passed her STA Diploma Part I exam with ‘amazing results’. I’m sure all STA members will want to extend their best wishes to all other successful candidates.

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Posted in Markets, STA education, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading
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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Guest Lee Sandford of London Trading College quizzed again

A regular guest on this 10:30 am slot, host Victoria Scholar slickly puts charting veteran Lee through his paces. Interestingly, he kicks off with FX cross the Kiwi (New Zealand dollar, for the uninitiated) against the Canadian dollar. While these ‘commodity’ currencies (plus the Australian dollar) feature regularly on specialists’ radars, I’m wondering whether the average IG spread-betting fan is really that interested.

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Posted in Education, Finance, Markets, STA charts, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading
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Charting the Markets on IG TV: With IG’s Senior Market Analyst Joshua Mahony

The TV and media team and IG are a slick lot with a busy production schedule. As well as producing text and video content, they coordinate news feeds for the platform and do their own analysis. From Monday to Friday there are 3 TV slots: at 07:30 London time (Pre-European open bulletin); 10:30 Charting the Markets; 16:00 Trading look ahead.

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Posted in Education, Finance, Markets, STA charts, STA education, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Technical Analysis Training, Trading
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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Rajan Dhall tells us about indicators

I hear that IG TV presenter Victoria Scholar found this week’s segment with Rajan Dhall especially helpful – and having just watched it, I can see why. He focuses on 3 popular technical analysis indicators, walking us through, step by step, how to construct and interpret them; very much a ‘teach yourself’ indicators special.

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Posted in Education, Markets, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading
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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Nicole Elliott on her day’s work

Recorded and broadcast live on Thursday the 21st November, Victoria Scholar gets Nicole Elliott FSTA to run through the charts and thinking behind that day’s email sent out to Investors Chronicle subscribers. Daily she covers 3 main indices, 2 currencies and spot gold, adding a little bit of market relevant news and published economic data to set the scene.

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Posted in Finance, Markets, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading
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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Lee Sandford MSTA speaks to host Jeremy Naylor

I must say, I don’t envy men these days; sartorial decisions are so very nuanced. IG TV host Jeremy Naylor this week invited Member of the Society of Technical Analysts’ Lee Sandford of onto their regular slot, looking at […]

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Posted in Markets, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading
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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Nicole Elliot hits the airwaves as Brexit turmoil bits

IG TV host Jeremy Naylor this week invited Fellow of the Society of Technical Analysts, Nicole Elliott, onto IG’s regular slot looking at the week’s markets from a chartist’s perspective. Both agree that Brexit is dominating the headlines, Britain’s Supreme […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA charts, STA education, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses
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Watch with IG TV: The fifth in the Charting the Markets series of videos

As part of the STA’s educational offering, here is today’s interview (11th April 2019) with Lee Sandford MSTA CFTe on IG TV for their regular programme. Interviewed by Victoria Scholar, the latest recruit to their TV team, she’s had some […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Richard Adcock: ‘When overbought or oversold signals continuation’

The STA is very lucky in that its pool of talent is deep and its contacts list extensive. Because February’s speaker unfortunately had to pull out at short notice (Kevin Bull will instead speak on the 14th May), Richard Adcock, […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA charts, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Technical Analysis Training, Trading, Trending
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Oscillators: Pick and mix

Last week a reader wrote in asking why I tended to use a clutch of oscillators in what he saw as a rather random manner; that set me thinking.  Which ones do I favour and why?  Why do I flip […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Maximising moving averages with histograms

Loved by the trading community and developed by Gerald Appel about forty years ago the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD as it’s usually known) aims to drill down into trends – and when they begin to lose momentum.  Calculated by subtracting […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Are histograms of any use? To technical analysts, of course

Primary school first introduced us to basic charts, cutting up a pie into equal-sized portions to feed all those around the table, plotting the height of class members as a histogram, or a line linking the number of hours’ worth […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA charts, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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