The STA Blog - Tag: Swing Trading

Keep their quant tactics incognito

Off to One Moorgate Place, London, on the 10th October 2023 and an unusually balmy evening, for an in-person monthly meeting of the STA. The presentation by Thiru Nagappan was billed as: ‘Quantative Strategy Construction with 3 Critical Stats’. Opaque […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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History of the Gartley Pattern: With thanks to Larry Pesavento and Leslie Jouflas

With precious little interesting to do in lockdown London – other than going for walks and enjoying the beautiful sunshine – I decided to attack paperwork at home. Not the utility bills, insurance policies and income tax, but the piles of things generated over many years as a journalist, author and keen technical analyst. You can tell I, like so many others, have not exactly embraced paperless work.

I consider my very long term charts – of markets, economic trends, demographics and whatever – like gold dust. However, I can see that the ink on some is fading and that eventually the paper will probably crumble and turn to dust too. Over the years these have been adequately filed and needed little rearrangement. More recent finds, currently in the pending box, were sorted and added to these.

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Charting the Markets with IG TV: Guest Lee Sandford of London Trading College quizzed again

A regular guest on this 10:30 am slot, host Victoria Scholar slickly puts charting veteran Lee through his paces. Interestingly, he kicks off with FX cross the Kiwi (New Zealand dollar, for the uninitiated) against the Canadian dollar. While these ‘commodity’ currencies (plus the Australian dollar) feature regularly on specialists’ radars, I’m wondering whether the average IG spread-betting fan is really that interested.

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Posted in Education, Finance, Markets, STA charts, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading
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