The STA Blog - Tag: Webinar

Tips from an expert on Public Speaking: And how to master a Zoom presentation

I rate my local council and since lockdown I’ve been even more impressed. Their Enterprise Team have upped their game to create and disseminate local jobs for local people, and have introduced a series of schemes aimed at helping small […]

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Posted in General, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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IFTA 33rd Annual Conference: Held over 24 hours on the 24th October 2020 with 24 expert speakers

This year’s International Federation of Technical Analysts annual conference was due to take place in Philadelphia, hosted by AAPTA. With travel restrictions and limits on the number of participants at meetings due to the Covid-19 virus, it couldn’t go ahead. […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Twitter tips and other ideas: Etiquette on social media

Years ago disgruntled from Surrey would write a letter to the editor; pedantic fool complain about spelling and punctuation; ‘expert’ in the subject pick on the minutiae in an academic paper. Same old, same old as these issues exist today, transported to electronic means of communication, but remain constant themes. The difference is in the relative speed of action and reaction, and the subsequent issues raised.

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Posted in Finance, Markets, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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